2019 |
P. Fei, J. Nie, Y. Ding, J. Lee, S. Li, Z. Yu, H. Zhang, T. Yu, M. Hagiwara, T. Segura, C.-M. Ho, D. Zhu, T. K. Hsiai*,
"Sub-voxel light-sheet microscopy for high-resolution, high-throughput
volumetric imaging of large biomedical specimens", Advanced Photonics.
1(1), 016002 (2019) (cover page) |
A. Shigeta, V. Huang, J. Zuo, R. Basada, Y. Nakashima, Y. Lu, Y. Ding, M. Pellegrini, R. P. Kulkarni, T. Hsiai,
A. Deb, B. Zhou, H. Nakano, A. Nakano, "Endocardially-derived
macrophages are essential for valvular remodeling", Developmental Cell,
2019. (in press) |
Hsu, J, Chen, J, Vedula V, Lee J, Baek K, Ding Y, Packard, R, Tintut Y, Demer, LL, Marsden, A, Hsiai, T.
Contractile and Hemodynamic Forces Coordinate Notch1b-Mediated Outflow
Tract Valve Formation. J Clin Investigation Insight 2019 |
Chen, Y. Ding, C.-C. Chang, K. Baek, T. K. Hsiai*, R. R. S. Packard*,
"Integrating light-sheet imaging and computation to quantify
doxorubicin-induced Notch signaling", J Clin Investigation Insight,
2019. |
2018 |
Lenning M, Fortunato J, Le T, Clark I, Sherpa A, Yi S, Hofsteen P, Thamilarasu G, Yang J, Xu X, Han HD, Hsiai TK,
Cao H. Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis of Zebrafish Electrocardiogram
with Anomaly Detection. Sensors (Basel). 2017 Dec 28;18(1). PMCID:
PMC5796315 |
Ding Y, Bailey Z, Messerschmidt V, Nie J, Bryant R, Rugonyi S, Fei P, Lee J, Hsiai TK. Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy for the Study of the Murine Heart. J Vis Exp. 2018 Sep 15;(139). PMCID: PMC6235202 |
Sereti KI, Nguyen NB, Kamran P, Zhao P, Ranjbarvaziri S, Park S, Sabri S, Engel JL, Sung K, Kulkarni RP, Ding Y, Hsiai TK,
Plath K, Ernst J, Sahoo D, Mikkola HKA, Iruela-Arispe ML, Ardehali R.
Analysis of cardiomyocyte clonal expansion during mouse heart
development and injury. Nature Communications. 2018 Feb 21;9(1):754.
PMCID: PMC582185 |
Messerschmidt V, Bailey Z, Baek KI, Bryant R, Li R, Hsiai TK,
Lee J. Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy to Capture 4-Dimensional
Images of the Effects of Modulating Shear Stress on the Developing
Zebrafish Heart. J Vis Exp. 2018 Aug 10;(138). PMCID: PMC6126686 |
Y, Ma J, Langenbacher AD, Baek KI, Lee J, Chang CC, Hsu JJ, Kulkarni
RP, Belperio J, Shi W, Ranjbarvaziri S, Ardehali R, Tintut Y, Demer LL,
Chen JN, Fei P, Packard RRS, Hsiai TK. Multiscale light-sheet for rapid imaging of cardiopulmonary system. JCI Insight. 2018 Aug 23;3(16). PMCID: PMC6141183 |
Abiri A, Ding Y, Abiri P, Packard RRS, Vedula V, Marsden A, Kuo CJ, Hsiai TK.
Simulating Developmental Cardiac Morphology in Virtual Reality Using a
Deformable Image Registration Approach. Ann Biomed Eng. 2018
Dec;46(12):2177-2188. PMCID: 6249076 |
Kyung In Baek,
René Packard, Arian saffari, Zhao Ma, Anh Luu, Andrew Pieterson, Amir
Kaboodrangi, Hilary Yen, Jeffrey Hsu, Bin Ren, Constantinos Sioutas,
Rongsong Li, and Tzung Hsiai*.
Ultrafine Particles Exposure Reveals the Importance of FOXO1/Notch
Activation Complex for Vascular Regeneration. Antixoidant & Redox
Signaling. 2018 May 1;28130:1209-1223 (Cover page). PMCID: PMC5912723 |
Luo, Parinaz Abiri, Shell Zhang, Chih-Chiang Chang, Amir H.
Kaboodrangi, René R. Sevag Packard, Rongsong Li, Alex Bui, Rajesh
Kumar, Mary Woo, Zhaoping Li, Yu-Chong Tai, Tzung K. Hsiai*.
Non-Invasive Electrical Impedance Tomography for Multi-Scale Detection
of Liver Fat Content. Theranostics. 2018 Feb 8;8(6):1636-1647 |
Sereti, Ngoc Nguyen, Paniz Kamran, Peng Zhao, Sarah Ranjbarvaziri,
Shuin Park, James Engel, Kevin Sung, Rajan Kulkarni, Yichen Ding, Tzung Hsiai,
Hanna K. A. Mikkola, Debashis Sahoo, M. Luisa Iruela-Arispe, and Reza
Ardehali. Clonal analysis of cardiomyocyte generation during
development and injury using the Rainbow model. Nature
Communications. 2018 Feb 21;9(1):754. |
Baek KI, Ding Y, Chang CC, Chang M, Sevag Packard RR, Hsu JJ, Fei P, Hsiai TK.
Advanced microscopy to elucidate cardiovascular injury and
regeneration: 4D light-sheet imaging. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2018
Oct;138:105-115. Review. PMCID: PMC6226366
Ding Y, Lee J, Hsu JJ, Chang CC, Baek KI, Ranjbarvaziri S, Ardehali R, Packard RRS, Hsiai TK. Light-Sheet Imaging to Elucidate Cardiovascular Injury and Repair. Curr Cardiol Rep. 2018 Mar 24;20(5):35. Review. |
Hsu JJ, Lu J, Umar S, Lee JT, Kulkarni RP, Ding Y, Chang CC, Hsiai TK,
Hokugo A, Gkouveris I, Tetradis S, Nishimura I, Demer LL, Tintut Y.
Effects of teriparatide on morphology of aortic calcification in aged
hyperlipidemic mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2018 Jun
1;314(6):H1203-H1213. |
Y. Ding, Z. Bailey, V. Messerschmidt, R. Bryant, J. Lee*, T. K. Hsiai*, "Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy for the study of the murine heart", Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018. (In Press). |
J, Vedula V, Baek KI, Chen J, Hsu JJ, Ding Y, Chang CC, Kang H, Small
A, Fei P, Chuong CM, Li R, Demer L, Packard RRS, Marsden AL, Hsiai TK.
Spatial and temporal variations in hemodynamic forces initiate cardiac
trabeculation. JCI Insight. 2018 Jul 12;3(13). PMCID: PMC6124527 |
Ding, Jianguo Ma, Adam D. Langenbacher, Kyung In Baek, Chih-Chiang
Chang, Rajan P. Kulkarni, John Belperio, Shi Wei, Sara Ranjbarvazirj
Reza Ardehali, Yin Tintut, Linda L. Demer, Jau-Nian Chen, Juhyun Lee,
René R. Sevag Packard, Peng Fei, Tzung K. Hsiai*.Frontier
Applications of Light-Sheet Imaging for Elucidating Cardiovascular
Development and Disease. J Clinical Investigation Insight (In Press) |
2017 |
Lenning M, Fortunato J, Le T, Clark I, Sherpa A, Yi S, Hofsteen P, Thamilarasu G, Yang J, Xu X, Han HD, Hsiai TK,
Cao H. Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis of Zebrafish Electrocardiogram
with Anomaly Detection. Sensors (Basel). 2017 Dec 28;18(1). |
RRS, Baek KI, Beebe T, Jen N, Ding Y, Shi F, Fei P, Kang BJ, Chen PH,
Gau J, Chen M, Tang JY, Shih YH, Ding Y, Li D, Xu X, Hsiai TK.
Automated Segmentation of Light-Sheet Fluorescent Imaging to
Characterize Experimental Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Injury and
Repair. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 17;7(1):8603. doi:
10.1038/s41598-017-09152-x. |
baek, Tyler Beebe, Hilary Yen, Amirhossein Kaboodrangi, Nelson Jen,
Juhyun Lee, Peng Fei, Peipei Ping, David Liem, Rongsong Li, Tzung K. Hsiai*.
Flow-Responsive VEGFR-PKCɛ Signaling Mediates Glycolytic Metabolites
for Vascular Repair. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2018 Jan 1;28(1):31-43.
(Cover Page) PMCID:PMC5695747 |
Packard RRS, Luo Y, Abiri P, Jen N, Aksoy O, Suh WM, Tai YC, Hsiai TK.
3-D Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Mapping of Arteries to
Detect Metabolically Active but Angiographically Invisible
Atherosclerotic Lesions. Theranostics. 2017 Jun 22;7(9):2431-2442. doi:
10.7150/thno.19184. eCollection 2017. |
Abiri P, Abiri A, Packard RRS, Ding Y, Yousefi A, Ma J, Bersohn M, Nguyen KL, Markovic D, Moloudi S, Hsiai TK.
Inductively powered wireless pacing via a miniature pacemaker and
remote stimulation control system. Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 21;7(1):6180. doi:
10.1038/s41598-017-06493-5. |
Lee J, Chou TC, Kang D, Kang H, Chen J, Baek KI, Wang W, Ding Y, Carlo DD, Tai YC, Hsiai TK.
A Rapid Capillary-Pressure Driven Micro-Channel to Demonstrate
Newtonian Fluid Behavior of Zebrafish Blood at High Shear Rates. Sci
Rep. 2017 May 16;7(1):1980. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02253-7. |
Demer LL, Tintut Y, Nguyen KL, Hsiai T,
Lee JT.Rigor and Reproducibility in Analysis of Vascular Calcification.
Circ Res. 2017 Apr 14;120(8):1240-1242. doi:
10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.310326. |
Li R, Yang J, Saffari
A, Jacobs J, Baek KI, Hough G, Larauche MH, Ma J, Jen N, Moussaoui N,
Zhou B, Kang H, Reddy S, Henning SM, Campen MJ, Pisegna J, Li Z,
Fogelman AM, Sioutas C, Navab M, Hsiai TK.Ambient
Ultrafine Particle Ingestion Alters Gut Microbiota in Association with
Increased Atherogenic Lipid Metabolites. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 17;7:42906.
doi: 10.1038/srep42906. |
Ding Y, Lee J, Ma J, Sung K, Yokota T, Singh N, Dooraghi M, Abiri P, Wang Y, Kulkarni RP, Nakano A, Nguyen TP, Fei P, Hsiai TK.
Light-sheet fluorescence imaging to localize cardiac lineage and
protein distribution. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 6;7:42209. doi:
10.1038/srep42209. |
Manuja Sharma, Karinne Barbosa, Victor Ho, Devon Griggs, Tadesse Ghirmai, Sandeep Krishnan, Tzung Hsiai,
J.-C. Chiao, Hung Cao. Cuff-less and Continuous Blood Pressure
Monitoring: A Methodological Review. Technologies. 2017, 5(2), 21 |
Vijay Vedula, Juhyun Lee, hao Xu,Jay C.-C, Kuo, Tzung K. Hsiai,
Alison L. Marsden. A Method to Quantify Mechanobiological Forces during
Zebrafish Cardiac Development using4-D Light-Sheet Imaging and
Computational Modeling. PLOS Computational Biology. 2017 (in press) |
Ding, Arash Abiri, Shuoran Li, Parinaz Abiri, Juhyun Lee, Chih-Chiang
Chang, Kyung In Baek, Elias Sideris, Yilei Li , Alexander Bui, Tatiana
Segura, Thao P. Nguyen, René R. Sevag Packard, Peng Fei, Tzung K. Hsiai*.
Recapitulating 4-D Light-Sheet Imaging for Interactive Virtual Reality
to Uncover Developmental Cardiac Mechanics and Physiology Journal of
Clinical Investigation Insight. 2017 Nov;2(22):e97180. PMCID:PMC5752380 |
Sereti, Ngoc Nguyen, Paniz Kamran, Peng Zhao, Sarah Ranjbarvaziri,
Shuin Park, James Engel, Kevin Sung, Rajan Kulkarni, Yichen Ding, Tzung Hsiai,
Hanna K. A. Mikkola, Debashis Sahoo, M. Luisa Iruela-Arispe, and Reza
Ardehali. Clonal analysis of cardiomyocyte generation during
development and injury using the Rainbow model. Nature Communications.
2017 (in press) |
Yuan Luo, Parinaz Abiri, Shell
Zhang, Chih-Chiang Chang, Amir H. Kaboodrangi, René R. Sevag Packard,
Rongsong Li, Alex Bui, Rajesh Kumar, Mary Woo, Zhaoping Li, Yu-Chong
Tai, Tzung K. Hsiai*. Non-Invasive Electrical Impedance Tomography for Multi-Scale Detection of Liver Fat Content. Theranostics. 2017 (in revision) |
2016 |
Teng Ma, Bill Zhou, Tzung K. Hsiai,
K. Kirk Shung. Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS)-Based Multimodal
Intravascular Imaging System: A Synergistic Strategy to Characterize
Vulnerable Plaque. Ultrasonic Imaging. 2016 Sep;38(5):314-31. |
Jianguo Ma, Yuan Luo, René R. Sevag Packard, Teng Ma,
Parinaz Abiri, Qifa Zhou, Y-C Tai, Tzung Hsiai*. Intravascular
Ultrasound Imaging Guided Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to
Assess Metabolically Active Plaque. Sensors & Actuators
B-Chemical. (2016) pp. 154-161 |
Kevin Sung, Yichen Ding, Jianguo Ma, Harrison Chen,
Vincent Huang, Michelle Cheng, Cindy F. Yang, Jocelyn T. Kim, Daniel
Eguchi, Dino Di Carlo, Tzung K. Hsiai, Atsushi Nakano, Rajan P.
Kulkarni. Simplified three-dimensional tissue clearing and
incorporation of colorimetric phenotyping. Scientific Reports. 2016 Aug
8;6:30736. |
Linda Demer, Yin Tintut, KimoLien Nguyen, Tzung
Hsiai,Jason T. Lee. Rigor and reproducibility in analysis of vascular
calcification. Circulation Research. Viewpoint. 2016 |
Elias Sideris, Donald R. Griffin, Yichen Ding, Shuoran
Li, Tzung Hsiai, Tatiana Segura. Human fibroblast growth within
microporous scaffolds shows preference for smaller pores. ACE
Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2016, September 2 (11), pp
2034–2041 |
Yang Yang, Zeyu Chen, Xuan Song, Benpeng Zhu, Tzung Hsiai,
Pin-I Wu, Rui Xiong, Jing Shi, Yong Chen, Qifa Zhou, K. Kirk Shung.
Three dimensional printing of high dielectric capacitor using
projection based stereolithography method, Nano Energy |
Lee J, Fei P, Jen N, Kang H, Packard RRS, Ho CH, Li R, Hsiai TK:
Light-Sheet Microscopy to Elucidate Hemodynamic Forces and Modulation
of Cardiac Trabeculation: Implications for Embryonic Contractile
Function. Journal
of Clinical Investigation |
Fei P, Lee J, Packard RRS, Sereti KI, Xu H, Ma J, Chen
H, Kang H, Sung K, Kulkarni R, Ardehali R, Kuo CCJ, Xu X, Ho CM, Hsiai TK: Cardiac
Light-Sheet Fluorescent Microscopy for Multi-Scale and Rapid Imaging of
Architecture and Function. Scientific
Reports |
Packard RR, Zhang X, Luo Y, Ma T, Jen N, Ma J, Demer
LL, Zhou Q, Sayre JW, Li R, Tai YC, Hsiai
Two-Point Stretchable Electrode Array for Endoluminal Electrochemical
Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements of Lipid-Laden Atherosclerotic
Plaques. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2016 Feb 8:1-2. |
Lee J, Jiang H, Dong S, Jen N, Hsiai T,
Ho CM, Fei P. Compact plane illumination plugin device to enable light
sheet fluorescence imaging of multi-cellular organisms on an inverted
wide-field microscope. Biomedical
Optics Express. 2016 Jan
1;7(1):194-208. |
2015 |
Teng Ma, Bill Zhou, Tzung K. Hsiai,
K. Kirk Shung. Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS)-Based Multimodal
Intravascular Imaging System: A Synergistic Strategy to Characterize
Vulnerable Plaque. Ultrasonic Imaging. 2015 Sep 22. pii:
0161734615604829. |
C. L. Fei, J. G. Ma, C. T. Chiu, J. A. Williams, W. M.
Fong, Z. Y. Chen, R. Xiong, J. Shi, Tzung
K. Hsiai, and K. K. Shung, and Q. F. Zhou, Design of
matching layers for high-frequency ultrasonic transducers. Applied
Physics Letter. 2015 September 21; 107(12): 123505. Published online
2015 September 24. |
Lee, Juhyun, Rene R. Sevag Packard, and Tzung K. Hsiai.
"CURRENT OPINION Blood flow modulation of vascular dynamics." Curr Opin
Lipidol 26 (2015): 000-000. |
Yang, Hongbo, Longhou Fang, Rui Zhan, Jeffrey M.
Hegarty, Jie Ren, Tzung
K. Hsiai,
Joseph G. Gleeson, Yury I. Miller, JoAnn Trejo, and Neil C. Chi.
"Polo-like kinase 2 regulates angiogenic sprouting and blood vessel
development." Developmental biology (2015). |
Cao, Hung, Yu Zhao, Ammar B. Kouki, Yu-chong Tai, and Tzung K. Hsiai. "A
Wireless ECG Recording System for Small Animal Models of Heart
Regeneration." IEEE |
Kang, D., W. Wang, J. Lee, Y. C. Tai, and T. K. Hsiai.
"Measurement of viscosity of adult zebrafish blood using a capillary
pressure-driven viscometer." In Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and
Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 2015 Transducers-2015 18th International
Conference on, pp. 1661-1664. IEEE, 2015. |
Li, R., Jen, N., Wu, L., Lee, J., Fang, K., Quigley,
K., ... &
Hsiai, T. K. (2015). Disturbed Flow Induces Autophagy But Impairs
Autophagic Flux to Perturb Mitochondrial Homeostasis. Antioxidants and
Redox Signaling. |
Cao, Hung, Bong Kang, Chia-An Lee, K. Kirk Shung, and Tzung Hsiai.
"Electrical and Mechanical Strategies to Enable Cardiac Repair and
Regeneration." (2015). |
Zhang, Xiaoxiao, Tyler Beebe, Nelson Jen, Chia-An Lee,
Yuchong Tai, and Tzung
K. Hsiai. "Flexible and waterproof micro-sensors
to uncover zebrafish circadian rhythms: The next generation of cardiac
monitoring for drug screening." Biosensors and Bioelectronics 71
(2015): 150-157. |
Zhao, Yu, Hung Cao, Tyler Beebe, Hemin Zhang, Xiaoxiao
Zhang, Honglong Chang, Oscar Scremin, Ching-Ling Lien, Yu-Chong Tai,
and Tzung K. Hsiai.
"Dry-contact microelectrode membranes for wireless
detection of electrical phenotypes in neonatal mouse hearts."
Biomedical microdevices 17, no. 2 (2015): 1-6. |
Li, R., Navab, K., Hough, G., Daher, N., Zhang, M.,
Mittelstein, D., ... & Hsiai,
T. K.
(2015). Effect of exposure to atmospheric ultrafine particles on
production of free fatty acids and lipid metabolites in the mouse small
intestine. Environmental health perspectives, 123(1), 34. |
2014 |
Juhyun Lee, Hung Cao, Bong Jin Kang, Nelson Jen, Fei
Yu, Chia-An
Lee, Peng Fei, Jinhyoung Park, Shadi Bohlool, Lian Lash-Rosenberg, K.
Kirk Shung, Tzung K.
Hsiai,"Hemodynamics and Ventricular Function in a
Zebrafish Model of Injury and Repair," Zebrafish. October 2014, 11(5):
447-454. |
Rongsong Li, Tyler Beebe, Nelson Jen, Fei Yu, Wakako
Takabe, Michael Harrison, Hung Cao, Juhyun Lee, Hongbo Yang, Peidong
Han, Kevin Wang, Hirohito Shimizu, Jaunian Chen, Ching-Ling Lien, Neil
C. Chi, Tzung K. Hsiai.
Shear Stress-Activated Wnt-Angiopoeitin-2
Signaling Recapitulates Vascular Development and Repair in Zebrafish
Embryos. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.
2014;34:2268-2275; originally published online August 21, 2014. |
Rongsong Li, Kaveh Navab, Greg Hough, Payam Pakbin,
Eytan Wine, Jesus Araujo, Alan Fogelman, Constantinos Sioutas, Mohamed
Navab, Tzung Hsiai.
Exposure to Atmospheric Ultrafine Particles on
Production of Free Fatty Acids and Lipid Metabolites in the Mouse Small
Intestine. Environmental Health Perspectives. Published online August
29, 2014. |
Hung Cao, Fei Yu, Yu Zhao, Joy Tai, Juhyun Lee, Ali
Darehzereshki, Ellen C. Lien, Neil C. Chi, Yu-Chong Tai, Tzung K.
Hsiai. Wearable multi-channel microelectrode membranes to
electrophysiological phenotypes of injured myocardium. Integrative
Biology. 2014 Jul 21;6(8):789-95. |
Song Li, and Nenad Bursac. "Introduction to the Special Issue on Tissue
Engineering and Regenerative Medicine." Annuls of Biomedical Engieering
(2014) |
Michael, Jeffrey M. Hegarty, Kim Ly, Diana Lopez, Hongbo Yang, Ruilin
Zhang, Neil Tedeschi, Tzung K. Hsiai, and Neil C. Chi. "The atypical
Rho GTPase, RhoU, regulates cell-adhesion molecules during cardiac
morphogenesis." Developmental biology 389, no. 2 (2014): 182-191 |
Cao, H., Yu, F., Zhao, Y., Scianmarello, N., Lee, J.,
Dai, W., ... & Hsiai,
T. (2014).
Stretchable electrochemical impedance sensors for intravascular
detection of lipid-rich lesions in New Zealand White rabbits.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 54, 610-616. |
2013 |
Dickover, Michael, Jeffrey M. Hegarty, Kim Ly, Diana
Lopez, Hongbo Yang, Ruilin Zhang, Neil Tedeschi, Tzung K. Hsiai,
and Neil C. Chi. "The atypical Rho GTPase, RhoU, regulates
cell-adhesion molecules during cardiac morphogenesis." Developmental
biology 389, no. 2 (2014): 182-191. |
Juhyun Lee, Mahdi
Esmaily-Moghadam, Ethan Kung, Hung Cao, Tyler Beebe, Longhou Fang, Yuri
Miller, Ching-Ling Lien, Neil C. Chi, Alison L. Marsden, and Tzung K. Hsiai*.
Moving Domain
Computational Fluid Dynamics to Interface with An Embryonic Zebrafish
Model of Cardiac Morphogenesis. PLOS ONE 2013
Yu Zhao, Fei Yu,
Hung Cao,
Honglong Chang, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Tzung
K. Hsiai*, Yu-chong Tai. A Wearable Percutaneous Implant
Long-Term Zebrafish Epicardial ECG Recording. Transducers 2013.
Yunfeng Du, Melody
Shen, James
Hill, Payam Pakbin, Constantinos Sioutas, Tzung Hsiai*,
Rongsong Li. Ambient
ultrafine particle reduces vascular endothelial nitric oxide production
via S-glutathionylation of eNOS. Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communication. 2013 Jul 5;436(3):462-6.
Nelson Jen, Fei Yu,
Wusmund, Mohamed Hamden, Tzung
Atrial Fibrillation Pacing Decreases Intravascular Shear Stress in a
New Zealand White Rabbit Model: Implications in Endothelial Function.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2013 Jun;12(4):735-745.
Rongsong Li,
Mohamad Navab, Zhi
Ning, Payam Pakbin, Greg Hough, Kaveh Navab, Fei Yu, Nelson, Todd
Morgan, Caleb Finch, Alan Fogelman, Constantinos Sioutas, Tzung Hsiai*.
Ambient Ultrafine
Particles Alter Lipid Metabolism and HDL Anti-Oxidant Capacity in
LDLR-null Mice. Journal of Lipid Research. 2013 Jun;54(6):1608-15.
Fei Yu, Juhyun Lee,
Nelson Jen,
Xiang Li, Qiang Zhang, Rui Tang, Qifa Zhou, E.S. Kim, Tzung Hsiai*,
Electrochemical Impedance in the Endoluminal Regions with High Shear
Stress: Implication for Assessing Lipid-Rich Atherosclerotic Lesions.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2013 May 15;43:237-44.
Rongsong Li, David
Zhi Ning, Tintut Yin, Constantiono Sioutas, Mohamad Navab, Tzung Hsiai*.
Atmospheric Ultrafine
Particles Promote Vascular Calcification via the NF-κB Signaling
Pathway. Am J Physiology-Cell Physiology. 2013 Feb 15;304(4):C362-9.
Li, D Mittelstein, J Lee, K Fang, R Majumdar, Y Tintut, LL Demer, TH
Hsiai, A dynamic model of calcific nodule destabilization
to monocyte and oxidized lipid-induced matrix metallopreteinases,
American Journal Physiology Cell Physiology, 2012 Feb 15;
302(4):C658-C665 |
2011 |
Takabe W, Jen N, Ai
L, Hamilton
Khalsa B, Darbandi F, Bressler S, Barr M, Li R, Hsiai* TK.
Shear Stress Induces Mitochondrial Superoxide Production: Implication
of NADPH Oxidase and c-Jun NH2-terminal Kinase Signaling. Antioxidants
& Redox Signaling. 2011 Sep 1;15(5):1379-88 PMID: 20919940 |
Yu, R Li, L Ai, C Edington, H Yu, M Barr, ES Kim, Hsiai*, TK.
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to Assess Vascular Oxidative
Stress, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2011; 39(1):287-196 |
Yu, L Ai, W Dai, N Rozengurt, H Yu, TK
Hsiai, MEMS Thermal sensors to
Detect Changes in Heat Transfer in the Pre-Aherosclerostic Regions of
Fat-Fed New Zealand White Rabbits, Annals of Biomedical Engineering
2011; 39(6):1736-1744 |
Li, N Jen, F Yu, TK Hsiai,
Assessing Mitocondrial Redox Status by Flow
Cytometric Methods: Vascular Response to Fluid Shear Stress, Current
protocols of Cytometry 2011 Oct |
Li, D Mittelstein, K Fang, T Beebe, K Quigley, J Berliner, TK Hsiai,
Angiopoeitin-2 modulates Servivin expression in OxLDL-induced
endothelial apoptosis, 2011 Jan 6; 417(1):619-622 |
Yu, X. Dai, T, Beebe, TK.
Electrochemical Impedance
Spectroscopy to Characterize inflammatory atherosclerosis plaques.
Biosensor and Bioelectonics. 2011; 30(1) 165-173 |
2010 |
W, Li R, Ai L, Yu F, Berliner JA, ES, Hsiai*,
TK. DVT A new Era in
Anticoagulant Therapy. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular
Biology. 2010:; 30:436-441 |
Ai L, Zhang L, Dai
W, Shung KK, Hsiai*, TK..
Assessment of Flow Reversal in an Eccentric
Arterial Stenotic Model. J Biomechanics 2010 Jul 22. [Epub ahead of
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Li R, Ning Z, Cui
J, Sioutas C, Hsiai TK*, Diesel
exhaust particle modulate vasuclar endothelial
cell permeability: Implication of ZO-1 expression. Toxicology Letters.
2010 Sep 1;197(3):163-8. |
R, Ning A, Majundar R, Jen N, Takabe, W, Sioutas C, Hsiai*, TK,
Ultrafine particles from diesel vehicle emissions at different driving
cycles induce differential vascular pro-inflammatoroty responses:
Implication of cheimcal components and NF-kB signaling. Particles
Fiber Toxicology. 2010 Mar 22;7(1):6.] |
Syed O. Masood, ;
Stephen L.
Wasmund, ; Nazem W. Akoum, ; Marlene J. Egger, Tzung Hsiai, and
H. Hamdan. *The Effects of Rate and Rhythm Control on Blood Pressure
and Antihypertensive Drug Usage in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
and Hypertension Enrolled in the AFFIRM Trial. Journal of
Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 2010 Apr 29. [Epub ahead of print] |
Yu F, Parks E,
Takabe W, Li R,
Hsiai* TK, Electrocardiogram Signals to Assess Zebrafish
Regeneration: Implication of Long QT Intervals. Ann Biomed Eng. 2010
Mar 11 [Epub ahead of print] |
Takabe, W., Li, R.,
Yu F, Li A,
Berliner, J., Hsiai* TK.
Oxidized LDL-Activated JNK Regulates Mn-SOD
Ubiquitination: Implication for Mitochondrial Redox Status and
Apoptosis. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.
2010;30:436-441.(Impact factor: 7.4) |
2009 |
Ai L, Hsiai* TK. Spatial
of real-time quantitative shear stress with vascular oxidative stress.
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Tang T, Liu X, Li
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